Build your own app!
Use our new APK builder to upload your own images, set the app name and choose your own colour scheme.
Things you can customise:
- App name
- Background image
- Logo image
- Launcher Icon
- Banner Icon
- Live TV Dashboard Icon
- TV Guide Dashboard Icon
- Movies Dashboard Icon
- Series Dashboard Icon
This should be everything you need to create a fully branded app.
The latest XCIPTV V7 (905) With the following features
- Auto-Updating dashboard backdrops with the latest TMDB and Sports posters. Also add up to 10 manual backdrop images
- Interactive Sports Guide
- VPN with username/password from panel
- Announcements on-screen from panel
- Messages to individual users or all users from panel
- Hugely customisable, show/hide most dashboard buttons for each DNS
- Default player and player settings set from the panel
- Up to 5 DNS